North of Kuala Penyu, across the swampy Klias Peninsula, lies a group of islands boasting coral reefs and sandy beaches. Gazetted in 1978, Pulau Tiga Park was originally designated a forest reserve in 1933. It spans 158 square kilometers and consists of three small islands - Pulau Tiga, Pulau Kalampunian Besar, and Pulau Kalampunian Damit (snake island). Renowned for its underwater wonders and volcanic mud spa, it's a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

Pulau Tiga Park

Conservation Fees and Rates

01International aged 18 years old and aboveRM20 / person / day
02Foreign visitor aged 17 years old and belowRM12 / person / day
03Malaysian aged 18 years old and aboveRM6 / person / day
04Local visitor aged 13 to 17 years oldRM2 / person / day
05Local visitor aged 12 years old and below, 60 years old and above and person with disabilityFree of charge

Volcanic Mud Bath Fee:

01Malaysian aged 18 years old and aboveRM8.00 / person / first 3 hours & RM8.00 / person for subsequent hours
02Malaysian aged 13 to 17 years oldRM5.00 / person / first 3 hours & RM5.00 / person for subsequent hours
03Local visitor aged 12 years old and below, 60 years old and above and person with disabilityFree of charge
04International (all categories)RM10.00 / person / first 3 hours & RM10.00 / person for subsequent hours